News Center

News Center

Visit of the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On March 23, Chairman Kim Chang Keon, who is on a business trip to Uzbekistan, visited the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and held a meeting with the Chairman of the Tax Committee Kudbiev Sherzod. At the meeting, Chairmandiscussed in det…

A memorandum of understanding was signed with the Ministry o…

On March 24, Chairman Kim Chang Keon, met with the Minister of Preschool Education Agrippina Shin. The meeting discussed the introduction of modern programs, advanced information and pedagogical technologies in the preschool education system, the Kor…

An investment agreement was signed in Kokand for the constru…

On April 20, in the city of Kokand, a meeting was held with the khokim of the city of Kokand, Marufjon Usmonov, during which the ceremony of signing the Investment Agreement for the Kokand Hanshin Park City project took place. Speaking at the ceremon…

Meeting and negotiations at the Ministry of Construction

22nd April, in Ministryof Construction of Uzbekistan Batir Zakirov received a delegation led by Chairman Kim Chang Keon. The chief executive officers of Hanshin Engineering & Construction Choi Moon Kyu and PLUS International Kim Dong Yul also par…